Haunted Masonic Hall c1930

2601 Old Spanish Trail

Local lore held that the ghost of a young Confederate soldier haunted this lovely stucco building for many years. In 1864, stories of pillage and destruction by Yankee soldiers preceded the actual arrival of the Union troops in Daphne. In preparation, residents gathered together their silver and other valuables and hid them at the bottom of a well here at this site. A young Confederate soldier was placed on guard to protect the valuables at the well. When the Yankees marched in, the Confederate soldier was killed, presumably defending the villager’s belongings. When the dust settled, the valuables were gone. (Whether Yankees or someone else took them, no one knows.) The ghost of the young Confederate soldier was unable to rest in peace, because the items entrusted to his charge were missing. For many years his spirit roamed the grounds in search of the valuables. Around 1920, this building was erected over the site of the old well. The ghost, however, continued the haunting. There were many mysterious stories of pots and pans banging around the kitchen, water faucets turning off and on, and sounds of footsteps on the stairs and through the doors when no living thing was in sight. It is said that one could even “feel” the ghost’s presence. In 1940, Mr. Cauley Burnett was having a very bad day and not feeling up to the usual supernatural antics. He cursed the ghost for making so much noise. The ghost must have taken offense. He took hold of Mr. Burnett’s neck and did not let go of him until Mr. Burnett spit out a few verses of scripture between gasps.5 No one ever cursed the ghost again. This building was originally a grocery store and, later, a Masonic lodge. It was donated to the Daphne Police Department by the Eastern Star. There have been no reports of haunting in many, many years, but, just to be safe, don’t curse the ghost!